Comforting Words: You Go Girls!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

You Go Girls!

March 8 is our very special day and we should make the most of it!

Go out with your girl friends, gal pals or women-friends, however you choose to name them, and celebrate life. Loving food the way I do, I will join a couple of my women-friends for dinner.

I wanted to share this email I received from a woman who swore she does not normally circulate chain letters. I am grateful that she did this time, as this one spoke volumes about the special relationship, sometimes intimate in every sense of the word, between women.

So, I offer this prose and a bouquet of Alberta Wild Rose for your reflection and enjoyment as you make the most of International Women's Day 2006!

Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.

Love waxes and wanes.
[Lovers] don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.

Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.


Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how
many miles are between you.

A girl friend is never farther away than needing her
can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you
have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the
valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you,
intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in
and carry you out.

Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,
daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers, Mothers-in-law,
Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended
family, all bless our life!

The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would [you].

When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.
Every day, we need each other still.

Thanks and blessings to all of you women who have walked beside me and have given me the privilege of returning the blessing.


Photograph courtesy of Yahoo Images


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