Comforting Words: How I Love Him!

Monday, February 25, 2008

How I Love Him!

It has been awhile.

Over a month and I have not written a word much less a post for this blog.

Blame this on the man.

No, no. Not the one I am dating.

Yes, I am officially and exclusively (at least for now) dating someone – a guy who came into my life just after I gave up!

Is it not strange how the Universe works? The moment you surrender, the thing you were seeking the most appears.

The Universe also has this incredible sense of humour. Sometimes I wonder if God is a comedian!

The moment I wrote and declared that I was done with the man-thing and certainly frustrated with the fallacy of the dating scene, not only did the Universe produce someone for me but he came with the same surname as my ex partner!

Yes, it is true – the same surname and born the same month. The silver lining though is that he is a Sagittarian – one of the most compatible signs for an Aquarian (me).

Anyhow, that is not the man who has caused me to not write for a month. Barack Obama is the cause of that.

At first I was all into the woman-thing, in more ways than one, supporting Hillary Clinton. However, my virtual vote swung the more I listened to Obama. The deal was sealed when my current date sent me the full “Yes, We Can,” speech.

Now Robert, yes that is his name, and I are glued to the television every debate and primary night doing our own analysis. Honestly, if there was a way for us to legally vote – we would go down to our neighbours in the South and cast ours.

My reason for being so excited by the idea of Obama really has nothing to do with his African heritage, although the historical significance of it is not lost on me.

I am supporting Obama for the sense of hope; those words and big ideas that make even me at a distance feel the energy of “Yes, We Can.”

Looking back on the trajectory of my life – it is exactly Hope that has taken me this far and that wakes me up every morning. There were days when giving up felt the easiest thing to do but through the Hope of others – what they saw in me – I made it through.

Many are skeptical about this word but the power of Hope is undeniable.

Recently Oprah Winfrey named to her Book Club a title that I bought on sale months ago for Cdn$6.99. “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” by Ekhart Tolle. The book attracted me not because of the obviously devalued tag but I was very familiar with the author’s work, namely his book “The Power of Now.”

The book is not an easy read. The concepts embodied in it most certainly will be scoffed at by many. Actually, nothing that is written in the book is new, however, like Obama’s words of hope and inspiration, this book is an invitation to become the best human beings we can be.

Just over a week ago, I celebrated my 43rd birthday, in the company of close friends. As they ate and drank, I said a silent prayer of thanks for those in the room and those not present who, through their words, their deep sense of hope and their willingness went an extra hundred miles with me. It was on the back of their Hope that I won the struggle to re-create myself.

I also said thanks for Robert who appeared when least expected and who challenges me and who is willing to be challenged to become - as Bishop Spong best describes it – "fully human."

However the Obama’s race for the presidency turns out or however long or short my relationship (it feels wonderfully strange to be using that word in this context) lasts is unimportant.

Every day as I watch him on television, I say thank you God for people like Barrack Obama and my friends who, through their willingness to stand and be counted, are helping to awaken the young, the old and the in-between disenfranchised, marginalized, hurting and disillusioned people – like I once was – to Hope and dream again.

Yes, We Can indeed!



Photograph courtesy of Anni’s camera :) Finally, readers get to put a face to the name of my woman-friend who has been beside me through good times and growing times.

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